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  • Visual Art
  • Art
  • Māori

Who Am I

Celebrating the nature of feminine power

Aroha M Leanne Mulder is a contemporary visual artist and maker. Through her brand Aroha M her work represents abstractions of Te Ao Māori, and are expressed as paintings, sculptural pieces, adornments and homewares that are designed to be passed down through generations. Leanne uses a range of fluid mediums and to express her vision which is grounded in colours, markings and symbols from Te Toi Māori and specifically her tūpuna (ancestors) who were raranga (weaving) masters. Through her practice and accessories created under the Aroha M brand, Leanne celebrates the nature of feminine power, invites the viewer to contemplate their own connection to the whenua (land), their whānau (family), the ancient wisdom of Papatūānuku and ultimately, their identity and potential on this earth.  


Hand holding clay mug with the word aroha engraved on it

Aroha Mug | Rua


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Aroha Mug | Tahi


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Aroha Mug | Toru


Artist Origins

Tribe/IwiNgāti Maniapoto