Ngā mihi o te tau hou - Welcoming free shipping on all purchases for January 2025


  • Low Sugar
  • Sugar Free
  • Chutney
  • Beverage
  • Food
  • Māori
3x chutney

Who Am I

Natural products that utilise the goodness and taste of Aotearoa

Atutahi founder Reni Wereta-Gargiulo turned to kawakawa leaves when the arthritic pain in her hands was causing her to reach for more and more artificial pain relief. These leaves had traditionally been used as a rongoā Māori (medicine) by her ancestors. Highly regarded for its versatility, kawakawa was known to alleviate stomach and rheumatic pain and heal cuts and skin disorders. Historically it had been served as a tonic, a medium Reni began testing with different flavour accents and combinations. Along with her partner, Andrew, she began harvesting the premium raw materials needed to produce in greater quantities. With Atutahi’s increasing popularity demanding further supply and support, their whanau was brought in to add their passion and skill to the growing business.


Kanuka Chutney

Kanuka & Beetroot Chutney 6 pack


Kawakawa can

Atutahi Kawakawa Lemon & Lime 12-pack


Kawakawa bottle

Kawakawa Lemon & Lime 15 pack


Kawakawa Chutney

Kawakawa & Mango Chutney 6 pack


Kanuka Chutney in glass jar

Kanuka & Beetroot Chutney


Horopito Chutney

Horopito & Tomato Chutney 6 pack


Horopito Chutney in a glass jar

Horopito & Tomato Chutney


Horopito bottle

Horopito Blackcurrant & Boysenberry 15 pack


Kawakawa Chutney in a glass jar

Kawakawa & Mango Chutney


Artist Origins

Tribe/IwiNgāti Ruanui, Te Ati Awa, Ngā Rauru